Let's discuss ... Discussions

If you're based in or near Cologne and have English as a first or second language you might be interested in joining our Telegram group

You can use the group to start a new discussion, by sending a message. 
(Make sure to abide by the group rules!)

Or you can join an ongoing discission by responding to a previous group message.

There is just one technical detail that you really need to understand. 
Please listen to this 👇
Once you've got into the habbit of responding with a reply it becomes second nature. 

Our group is public, our moderation team deal with spammers, many group members will understandably have the group muted to prevent notification noise, but proper direct replies do get through!

The final reason to respond-with-a-reply is that discussions and replies can be embedded or linked to outside of the group. You can reply in the group, to the voice message embedded above, by typing in the Telegram discussion widget embedded below. Responses in the group which are not actual replies are not threaded and so will not show where discussions are referenced outside of the group. 
Do you have questions about how discussions work?  
Relpy to this group message, or add a reply by leaving a comment below!

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